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For the by vi months, we've gotten conflicting information from dissimilar experts about what most probable happened during MH370's final hours. Evidence that the pilot had performed suicide runs out over the Indian Ocean on a trajectory non-likewise-dissimilar from the one MH370 is believed to accept followed, combined with one aircraft expert's testimony that the flaps on the arts and crafts appeared to be deployed, suggested that the plane might have ditched. This would likewise accept explained why the shipping has been so hard to notice — an shipping that glides into the bounding main, doesn't suspension up into nearly as much wreckage, and the pieces that are left are more likely to sink quickly.

At present, the Australian Transport Safety Agency (ATSB) has thrown a bucket of water on these conclusions, stating that their own analysis shows MH370 descending out of control. The lath bases this conclusion on an analysis of the Burst Frequent Offset (BFO) data recorded by the orbiting Inmarsat satellite. The BFO is described equally follows:

A function of the Doppler shifts imparted on the communication signal due to the motion of the satellite and the aircraft. The relationship is more than complicated than a direct Doppler adding because the shipping software contains Doppler compensation that offsets the Doppler shift due to the aircraft movement. Although the aircraft attempts to compensate for its own move, it does this under the supposition that the communications satellite is in notional geostationary orbit and information technology does not include the vertical component of the shipping velocity.

Here's what the BFO plot looks like for MH370 — and every bit you lot can see, the BFO plot increases in a linear fashion from 18:39 GMT to 0:11.


At 0:19, Inmarsat recorded a partial handshake endeavor of the kind that would exist generated if the aircraft had lost ability due to fuel exhaustion. Emergency power would have so kicked in, reactivating the satellite link. Note, withal, that the burst frequency outset for MH370 is now wildly different — and both of the dramatically different BFO values were recorded inside the space of a infinitesimal. This BFO data is why investigators ultimately concluded the aircraft was on a southerly track — a conclusion borne out past the discovery of multiple pieces of debris in the more than two years since MH370 vanished.

If the tendency had continued following its previous trajectory, the 0:19 value should take been 260Hz. Instead, the recorded showtime values were 182KHz at 00:19:29 and -2Hz at 00:xix:37. The ATSB report steps through several alternate explanations of this dramatic shift, including changes in the shipping'southward speed, warm-up drift every bit the crystal oscillator inside the SDU (Satellite Information Unit), and the inherent margin of error inside the BFO metric itself. None of these metrics, even if combined and assumed to be at maximum affect, explain the dramatic subtract in the aircraft'south BFO in its last minutes of flying. The final point to be considered is the rate at which the aircraft is descending.

A descending shipping in the position MH370 is assumed to accept been in would have lost one.7Hz of BFO per 100 feet/infinitesimal of descent. The trouble hither is that the logon request at 00:19:29 and the log-on acknowledgement sent at 00:19:37 are so different from each other, it's incommunicable to solve the problem with annihilation but an extremely high charge per unit of descent, as shown in the tables beneath:


With a descent rate between 14,500 feet and 25,000 anxiety per infinitesimal, the aircraft wouldn't have stayed in the air very long. This data was fed into a Boeing simulator specifically designed to model aircraft systems with a high degree of fidelity. The various paths shown below model the trajectories the aircraft might accept taken, depending on its speed, turbulence level, remaining fuel, electrical configuration, and initial distance.


These various paths testify simply how difficult information technology is to constrain our agreement of MH370'due south concluding moments based on the information we accept. In some simulations, the shipping remained aloft for up to xx minutes later flameout, while in others it plunged more or less directly downwardly. Several tracks show MH370 looping dorsum on its own flight path, or spiraling outwards (though mostly inside a 15 nautical mile point of the search area arc). These findings signal that the twoscore nautical mile (roughly 46 terrestrial mile) width of the search arc was sufficient to incorporate all of the uncontrolled descent paths fed into the system — only cautions that even simulators like Boeing's tin't capture every detail. Specifically:

[F]light simulators are unable to accurately model the dynamics of the aircraft's fuel tanks. In the simulator, when the fuel tank is empty, zero fuel is bachelor to all systems fed from the tank. However, in a real aircraft, various shipping attitudes may upshot in unusable fuel (commonly beneath engine/APU inlets) becoming bachelor to the fuel inlets for the APU/engines. If this resulted in APU commencement-up, it would re-energise the Air-conditioning buses and some hydraulic systems. This could affect the trajectory of the aircraft. Similarly, the left and right engines may also briefly restart, affecting the trajectory.

And, of course, we yet can't observe the damn airplane.

CSIRO pitches in

To understand how oceanic currents carried artifacts to the locations where they were constitute, CSIRO (the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) conducted field tests on how aircraft debris, specifically, is affected past waves and wind. Replicas of certain MH370 debris, like the flaperon plant on Reunion Island, were synthetic to match its buoyancy and weight, then tested in open water under diverse weather weather. The flaperons were establish to consistently orient with their raised abaft edges into the air current, assuasive waves to propel them in the aforementioned management as the wind. This produced a model that ameliorate fit the locations where debris has been establish within the relevant fourth dimension elapsed since the loss of the shipping.

Flaperon drift

Simulation of debris drift patterns positing different affect points amid the nigh likely arcs similarly suggest that the original search area corresponds well to the debris located to date. If the shipping had crashed farther due south along the arc, the majority of the debris should have done upwardly in Western Australia or Tasmania, where no debris has been found so far. Similarly, if the aircraft had impacted farther north along the arc, debris from the crash should have reached Africa more rapidly than information technology did.

How many pieces of wreckage accept been recovered to date?

As of this writing, the MH370 investigators have received more than 20 pieces of debris that are considered to be of interest to the MH370 disaster. The slideshow below steps through each private slice that investigators take classified as either confirmed every bit part of MH370 or that they are most sure came from MH 370. The rest of the objects (a scrap more than half) lack distinguishing marks of the sort that would allow investigators to link them to the aircraft.

Ultimately, we may never find plenty of MH370 to construct a plausible model of what happened to the aircraft. Unless we discover a major debris field and sections of the wreckage, the bits and pieces located to date can only offer bitty clues almost the aircraft'southward final hours. CNN reports that their annotator, Mary Schiavo, believes this information points towards two early hypotheses: "namely, that a burn on board the aeroplane incapacitated everyone through smoke or fumes, or that a rapid decompression, possibly because of a breach in a window, led to their deaths hours before the airplane ran out of fuel and spiraled downward."

Malaysian Ship Government minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai told reporters in August that there was no evidence that pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah had attempted to commit suicide, maxim, "The simulator was used by the airplane pilot for trial and error in many areas. There are thousands of simulations to many destinations." Absent some critical new findings, nosotros may never be able to reply this question — merely the ATSB'south data definitely suggests that the pilot wasn't in control of the shipping when it ran out of fuel and slammed into the sea.

The various countries involved in the ongoing search for MH370 are coming together to talk over the ongoing search, whether to extend the initial search area, and how to do then (if at all). Earlier this year, it looked as if the search would end one time the initial search grid was completely scanned. Merely if new analysis can place a compelling alternative area, it's possible the search could be extended. While we covered a Canadian expert who claimed the fly flap appeared to accept been deployed, the ATSB has published an all-encompassing report on why they don't feel this is the most likely explanation.


Both the flaperon recovered in mid-2015 and the right outboard flap recovered in June 2022 are from the right fly and would accept sabbatum adjacent to each other, every bit shown above. Past analyzing both fragments, the ATSB believes the damage is all-time explained if the flaps were closed at the moment of impact. Information technology'due south much less clear how the wing structures would have been damaged in the aforementioned fashion had the flaps been deployed. The debris analysis and flaperon discussions are in two split up PDFs, located hither and here.