
How Did Shmee Make His Money

It'due south probably no surprise that the various Shmee-inboxes get loaded with tonnes of messages on a daily basis, so as difficult every bit I try to reply to everyone, information technology's a difficult task! To make life easier for you, I take fabricated a brusque listing of frequently asked questions which you can notice below.

Full general questions and answers

Hereby a number of general frequently asked questions about Shmee150 and me:

Where did the proper noun 'Shmee150' come from?

    Shmee was a proper name I started using for websites back in the days of 28k dial-up net when I was around 9-x years old, information technology stuck and has stayed with me around websites, online estimator games and all sorts since. The 150 was added upon discovering a website where daze-horror 'Shmee' was already taken! As with most private YouTube channels, it was never originally intended to become what it is now, so the proper name hasn't changed through to today!

What does '87 TB' mean?

    The number plate on my Renault Clio is 87 TB, not simply does the plate look symmetrical and very smart on the car, but my initials are TB for Tim Burton and unsurprisingly 87 is my year of birth. I think almost people who sentry my YouTube videos call back I'm younger than that, which is no bad thing!

Why don't you have the plate 'SH17 MEE' or 'SH69 MEE'?

    The Uk road authorities, chosen the DVLA, have not issued these plates for obvious reasons. The plates are but non available, and will never exist available for customers to buy and/or use on their cars.

What fabricated you lot exercise YouTube?

    What got me into making videos in the first place? Join my run downwardly memory lane in this video and yous know it all.

How did it become what information technology is today?

    I sat down to discuss my start on YouTube and how it has go what it is now! Watch the must-come across video correct here!

What camera practise you use?

    You can read all almost my gear (cameras, laptop and mobile phone) on a special page. You can find the folio right here!

What is your job or how did you lot brand so much money?

    You volition observe the answer on the About Shmee150 folio and via the two videos linked on the About page.

Why don't you ever mention pricing in your videos?

    With different regions and prices changing over time, given the nature of the Shmee150 content with an international audience and videos lasting for an unlimited timescale, I tend to avoid the topic every bit it goes out of date too quickly. I advise you equally a viewer to search online and notice your local pricing on motorcar sales platforms and websites of manufacturers.

Where do you lot live?

    I upload videos from around the world as I'm regularly travelling to places like Paris, Monaco, the USA or the Center-Due east, merely I'm based in London.

What got you into cars?

    My grandfather has always been an enthusiast and was a rally co-commuter. He also got into supercar rallies as seen below with my cousin in his Noble M12 GTO at age 82! He passed the bug to my father who in plough passed information technology to me. I too watched some other cousin taking function in the 2002 and 2004 Gumball 3000 supercar rallies, which sparked the desire to practice this kind of thing myself!

What is your favourite machine?

    This is the most difficult question you could ever ask me. There is not a single car I adopt the well-nigh, however I really like the following cars; Ferrari F50, Lexus LFA, Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black Serial and the Porsche Carrera GT. This is among many other cars, including my own, which I truly admire and relish a lot while driving.

Can I visit the Shmuseum?

    Unfortunately, public visits at the Shmuseum are not a possibility. The main reason is that the Shmuseum and its private barn are located at an agile farm, which doesn't allow public visits in any form.

Sam Moores' podcast

This doesn't happen often! Shmee150 in a podcast. Take a listen to the 2-hour podcast with my friend Sam Moores, photographer of many famous Shmee150 photos over the years and shut friend of 20 years. You might not know that 'my' second car ever was actually one we shared… Enjoy the podcast!

    4:42 = How did information technology all starting time?

    15:32 = When did you start talking to the camera?

    17:32 = Is there a squad behind Shmee?

    57:37 = Is Tim the same every bit Shmee?

    1:03:57 = Who even watches your videos?

    one:07:00 = What sort of thought process goes into your auto ownership?

    1:09:51 = Are whatever of your cars "forever"?

    1:17:31 = The prevalence of "special edition" cars nowadays

    1:27:17 = Driving the Senna

    i:29:02 = The stories behind the cars (including SLS BS)

    one:33:33 = Why don't we see you lot in race cars often?

    i:36:57 = How do you feel nigh the dropping values of your drove?

    1:44:44 = When will you purchase a Lamborghini?

    1:46:58 = How did yous suspension your dorsum?

    i:53:30 = v Questions

FAQ Shmee 01 (small)

Questions answered in YouTube videos

    Why am I not posting machine spotting videos anymore?

    What has been the most fun machine you have ever owned and the about fun car you have always driven?

    Why did you purchase then many cars effectually June 2016?

    Why don't y'all do charity donations instead of ownership all those cars?

    Your dad must exist paying for all those cars, clearly daddy's money?

    Are manufacturers paying for my cars?

    You lot are just buying cars to flip them, aren't you?

    Why did you not purchase a hypercar, merely instead a whole collection of cars?

    How much does it cost to own a Ferrari?

    Why do all my number plates say SH**MEE?

    Why don't yous own a Lamborghini yet?

    Why do you keep buying cars, why don't you buy a dainty house with a big garage?

    Why do you lot always say cheers at the end of your video?

    Have I sold whatever cars at the end of 2017 that you lot did not know about?

    Do I meet myself getting married and getting kids in the futurity?

FAQ Shmee 02 (small)

Fuel For Thought topics

    How do you lot become a supercar?

    How Much Does it Cost to Ain a Ferrari?

    Running a Supercar Fleet – McLaren, Ferrari etc

    Buying Express Edition Supercars?

    Am I A Automobile Flipper?

    McLaren 720S or Huracan Performante?

    Am I Doing Gumball 3000? Driving GT8

    What is a Supercar?

    How Difficult is Driving the Aston Martin GT8?

    Why Don't I Buy a Hypercar?

    Does the Ferrari 812 Superfast NEED 800 Horsepower?

    Would I Purchase An Audi RS5?

    Is There Annihilation She Hasn't Modified?

    Bring on the NEW Ford GT!

    Why is Everyone Selling Their Cars?

    Is an AMG GT R Black Series Coming?

    Want a Supercar?

    What Does information technology Cost to Daily Bulldoze a Supercar?

    Where is My Ford GT?

    When are My Ford GT and Senna Coming?

    Which Cars Am I Keeping and Why?

    How Much More Does information technology Cost to Run a Hypercar?

    The Subconscious Costs of Supercars REVEALED!

    How Much Does information technology Cost to Own a Ferrari?

    VALUE DESTROYED!? Touch on of Painting My SLS Black Serial

    This is How Much My Aston Martin Vantage GT8 Costs to Ain!

    The Ferrari and Maserati CAR SWAP MYSTERY? Backside the New MC20 and Roma

    BUYING THE RIGHT ONE? McLaren 765LT vs AMG GT Black Serial

    Buying Supercars as Investments?


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